Hey, I'm new here, I'm a casual boardgame designer, meaning I make games for friends and myself, I don't plan on ever publishing my games.
I'm creating a pure co-op game, the theme/story, is that you're on a space station guarding a planet that's believed to be cursed, while its being scouted for valuables to mine. It turns out the planet is a gold mine, and the mining crew will arrive on the planet in 10 turns/hours/days. Then, it all goes wrong, all sorts of things start hitting the space station, Aliens, Asteroids, Power failures, and more aliens.
The problem is, I planned to have about 20 events that would hit the ship every round, so 10 events each game, and I can't think of more than 6! And it's not that I just can't think of things that could happen to a space station, it's that there's only so much I can do with my current gameplay system before all the events feel the same.
Here's how the game works: Every round each player gets three turns, every turn they can move 4 or 5 hexs, then do an action. If the players don't stop the event (Alien attack, Power loss, Asteroid) then it does major damage to the station. Each event can be stopped in about 2 ways, and each will randomly do one of three things to the ship if not stopped.
Let's say there's a power loss, players need to get to the storagebay, and grab a power cell. Then they need to take that to engineering and use an action to plug it into the powercore. Or, they could use emergancy power and give themselves a bit more time. But, if they don't stop it, it'll lockdown half the station, then a player has to use an action in the hub/bridge to unlock each section of the station.
I think i've just been rambling this whole time, so let me try to keep this part short.
Things the player can do as their action: Pick up an item,(They can carry one at a time) Fire their weapon at an alien, or use a control panel in a section of the station.
Things that can happen to the station: A section can be destroyed, A section can lose it's air by way of a hull breach, a section can be locked down.
I just can't think of anything to add, even if I say there's a fire, and the player had to put it out, it'll be the same as shooting an alien, they just have to grab an item, and fire it at a target. Or if a space worm attacks the station, it'll be the same as if an asteroid hit the station.
Anyway, I'd be really grateful to any advice you could give me, thanks.
Maybe I'm just lacking in creativity, but the main reason I find it hard to make them different, is because there's only a few ways to damage the station,(Hull breach, section loss, player damage), it's sort of one of the things I needed help with. I honestly can't think of any more ways to damage the ship.
Great idea, thank you.
Thank you for these as well.
I thought about it, but I wanted the game to work with 2 players. An event wouldn't work, because then if one player didn't get traitor in a two player game, it's obvious the other player has it. Same thing for one player starting as it as well.
It helped me quite a bit. I just had been completely stumped on what to do next, Thank you.