What is this all about? Rules?
This was an idea I was stirring around in my head for awhile and finally wanted to finish the design, prototype and hopefully publish. If anyone is interested in giving ideas, that would be awesome.
Infinite: The card Game Idea
How is this game pronounced:
A> In-fin-nit-ee
B> In-fin-nite
Please let me know which one is MORE appropriate!
Some time ago I was designing the base for a pure virtual card game... based on infinite decks.
The cards are defined trough probability and evolution of distribution of probability (this lead, as some mathematicians shows to me, to a Dirichlet distribution with high level of stochasticity, fortunately).
It is trascendental to change from a infinite setup to a finite one or viceversa, as the history of science shows.
In the same time I was reading a very interesting book of the professor of the creator of Magic The Gathering about math and probability, more exactly it is about generating functions (this book, if someone is interested, its free).
The cards are defined trough probability and evolution of distribution of probability (this lead, [as some mathematicians shows to me](http://math.stackexchange.com/questions/1275035/evolution-of-a-discrete-...), to a Dirichlet distribution with high level of stochasticity, fortunately).
It is trascendental to change from a infinite setup to a finite one or viceversa, as the history of science shows.
In the same time I was reading a very interesting book of the professor of the creator of Magic The Gathering about math and probability, more exactly it is about generating functions ([this](https://www.math.upenn.edu/~wilf/gfologyLinked2.pdf) book, if someone is interested, its free).
It is a shame you are not here more often. You always have the cool math stuff.
To keep balance in the game, but also distribution of the right cards for each player. This adjustment in the probability is the best option a designer has. That is my opinion.
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(Skip to IDEAs If you want to see where I am in the design process)
This is a card game of Infinite* expansion.. that's the idea anyway.
I've looked around and there are game's similar but they lack the basic mechanic for making them infinity expandable.
Games like: The duke (an excellent game), For the Crown (second edition) and Knightmare Chess (Steve Jackson Games) all touch on this idea but are limited.. which I will explain here.
This idea will allow for multiple games, game types and players, game makers and thinkers alike to have fun in a way that hasn't been approached before.
Similar to Magic: The Gathering, this game will have many cards, But unlike Magic, the cards in Infinite* will each have a pair. In other words you won't be at a disadvantage for not having an equal or as powerful of a card because your opponent will have an opportunity to use the same card!
So if you have ever heard of Fairy chess pieces or chess variations this may sound familiar. It was in the search of a Meta game for chess that I discovered an opportunity to create just such a game.
Problems arise: namely card/piece creation.
Solution #1: make a better notation, and make it look cool.
Well, what kind of notations are there already?
Partlett's movement Notation (Wikipedia)
Ralph Betza's "funny notation" (also Wikipedia)
these are terrific, but not as efficient and expandable. For example: mfwcfF in Ralph Betza's "funny notation" describes a chess pawn.. without describing en passant AND it's initial double move!
Well we can't have that.. especially when having special powers is what makes pieces so cool.
Problem: card/piece creation
So Solution #1: How to:
1. Grid idea
This is simple, instead of algebraic notation, which is basically abbreviated sentences, use a picture. (picture's worth a 1000 words)
2. Symbols
One symbol can represent multiple ideas (such as movement or capture) depending on which grid spot it's on.
3. Numbers
This can describe a symbol's quantity
4. Colors
I was hoping to use this, not to define mechanics, but elemental variation and "fun" as it were to make it a bit more collectible and rock-paper-scissors style.
Problem: size/efficiency
With all of these ideas or symbols on one card, also small enough to be a piece on the board.. tough.
Solution: Chinese? Japanese? For the Crown style? limit the types of cards?
Well here i'm interested in ideas. I've created art for basic pieces and for 2 inch by 2 inch cards the symbols become incredibly small. I've been using a 5 by 5 grid. We could definitely use 3 by 3 for that kind of piece. But thinking ahead, complicated pieces.. how do we fit all that info and variant info on one card?
One solution is to make eventual limitations. the idea was when a symbol for a new mechanic that is based on previous ideas or concepts it would be a combination of those symbols. basic idea. Open circle for single step. Cross for capture. combine and there you go! single step and capture. but then it's the same problem with the original notations, lots of symbols not too efficient.
Anyway, long post but just ideas floating around.
*Name pending