Hi I hope I am posting this in the right place.
My name is Theresa and I am assiting My
associate Mark in figuring out how to get
a board game made and published.
This is brand new to me, so I am hoping
someone can guide me where to go.
Mark is a very successful network marketer
who is currently writing a book, and would
like to make a board game to go along with
the book.
We are looking for someone who is
experienced and has designed board
games before.
Mark has a pretty solid idea for this game
but it is in it's infantry and needs complete
organization of the game strategy and layout.
He has a 4 minute video of his very raw idea
to anyone who would be interested in partnering.
If you have any information on how to
pursue this venture from this point, I would
really appreciated your help.
Thanks Very Much
Slip of the finger