I've started work on a Mega Man X RPG. Obviously, this won't see a commercial release, but I've got a foundation for something I think could be really fun.
Basic ideas include: Action Point system, multiple customizable parts for your reploid, a level up system that unlocks new modification slots for your different parts, very basic weaponry system, a Reflex Point system that lets you act on other people's turns, and various stats for defense.
I've got some more ideas that I'm looking into but so far nothing concrete. I'd like to implement a basic class system, for example.
If you're interested in helping me out, feel free to reply on here and I'll send you a link to the site. I'm also interested in just talking on here, but I'd still prefer you checked out the site since it has more information on there.
Also, just for the record, this is not my baby. Anything is up for change, even the theme if I eventually want to make it marketable. So don't be afraid to suggest anything.
Oh, and the site isn't fully organized or anything, either.
Thanks for your time!
EDIT 1: Seems this will be easier by just posting the URL for all to see and comment on: http://maverickhunterrpg.forumotion.com/
I suppose I should clarify that I need help with mechanics and what-not. While the theme may be a sticking point eventually, right now I'd prefer making a base system that can be adapted for multiple themes.
I need help with stuff like making different parts, figuring out different rules (jumping for example) and adding a few classes that can refine the level up system.
Don't worry about the theme, for now. Although I appreciate your insight.