I've been designing this game on paper, and am ready to start making the initial prototype.
My question to you the good reader is, does this even sound like a game you'd want to play?
The Game:
The game takes place on a map made up of regions, or fiefs. 32 of them, to be exact. Each fief has a village, which must be captured to own that fief, (if the fief is un-owned). If the fief is owned, chances are the owning player has built a castle there, and so you must siege the castle to capture the fief. Each fief's village has a population level that fluctuates as the game progresses, based on troop recruitment, and pillaging, growth, etc.
Set up:
The game is for 2-4 players. Each player chooses their color, and takes that color's starting location. There are three troop types. Archers, Men at arms, and knights. Each player places a castle in their starting fief, and places 5 men at arms in their castle.
Players now roll a 6 sided die once for each fief, and place that many population chits in each village centre.
Players then take turns moving their troops. Maximum stack size would be 12. Archers and men at arms move 1, knights move 2. Stack move at speed of slowest unit. After moving and resolving all battles, players may recruit more troops based on population levels, and adjust those levels as recruitment continues.
Taxes. Crown would also be used to gain gold to recruit troops and build castles. still trying to work out a good system for that. Any Ideas would be appreciated.
Sieges and Combat:
Combat works on an elimination basis of 1 for 1. Knight kills one knight, or two foot units. A foot unit kill one foot unit, or two foot units kill one knight. Archers fire first in a battle before elimination starts. every two archers kill one unit of the other players choice. Archers then join the battle as men at arms.
Sieges work the same way, but units in a castle have their strength doubled. so you would potentially need a couple of stacks of units to take a well defended castle. Max units in castle would depend on the castle size.
Winning: Get all other players to surrender. Or, each players has a king. Capture all kings to win.
I would love to hear your thoughts on this current idea I have! Any ideas, or suggestions are welcome.
However, regarding the specific design, I would suggest you start from researching "what else is there in the same niche" first.
Thanks for the reply! I am a huge medieval fan myself, I never get tired of this particular theme. The thing with theme is, what is really fresh these days? Space theme is common. Cthulhu is all the rage now (and overdone imho)steampunk is way overdone now... Everything has been done these days, it's hard to come up with something fresh.
Granted, it is a conquest wargame which is fairly common in terms of genre. :)
In my searches leading up to the design, I found quite a few medieval themed games, though none that are exactly as I described mine. I felt like I had something at least a little unique in the population mechanic. 1 for 1 elimination combat isn't too common from what I could find. The only thing I struggle with in this mechanic, is that you are guaranteed a win as long as you have a larger stack than the other guy going into the battle. Maybe working in some occasional die rolls (Maybe for the archers) would work here...