So there's two lines, Resource and Battle, with the Resource Line closest to you. Every Unit you place facedown in your Resource Line generates one Resource. Some Cards may be placed faceup in the Resource Line, and still generate Resource, and with some Special Abilities, generate more than one Resource. Tap your Cards in the Resource Line just like in Magic the Gathering. Your Units have six Stats, Cost, Attack, Defence, Health, Initiative and Leadership. So the board is 7 Cards long, and 4 Cards wide, considering both side's Resource and Battle Lines. You may only place Cards in either your Resource Line or Battle Line. When you place a Card down in the Battle Line, it can only Attack a Unit directly in front of it, or to the sides, if it is a Melee Unit. You and your opponent roll a D6, adding to your Attack and the Enemy adding to its Defence, then minusing the Defence roll from the Attack roll, and then substracting from the Health of the Enemy Unit. If there is damage done, but it is insufficient to kill the Enemy Unit, you must roll off a number that is equal to or lower than your modified Leadership that is considered from minusing from the difference of the damage done, and if it is a negative number, the Unit is forced to Retreat. A Retreated Unit allows the Attacker to occupy its previous Area. A Unit that is forced to Retreat when he is in his Resource Line is Routed instead, becoming destroyed immediately. When a Unit is Attacking an Enemy Unit on the same Line, it deals +1 Attack bonus Damage, and benefits +1 Defence as well.
Artillery Units can be placed in the Resource Line, and still Attack Units in the Battle Line as long as they are within range. To move on the board, you can move up to your Initiative, but for each Initiative used up, it might Attack after the Enemy. Ranged Units have a Ranged value, denoting from what distance they can Attack. But Ranged Units suffer -1 Attack and -1 Defence in close combat, unless stated otherwise in its Special Abilities. Knights and other types of Horsemen have Charge, allowing them to Attack first whenever they Move. For each Area they moved to engage the Enemy, gain +1 Attack. If they remain in their Area, and Attacked an Enemy there, then they go by Initiative as usual. Knights have the rule, Mounted, which is a separate value for Movement. They do not use their Initiative, but the Initiative of their Mount. Flying Units can bypass Lines altogether.
Players take turns, alternating from the first to the second and so on. The Phases are: Deployment, Movement, Magic, Shooting, Assault. The point of the game is to destroy the Enemy's 7 Resource Areas. For that, you need Melee Units in the particular Resource Area of the Enemy. The maximum number of Cards that can be used to generate Resource in a Resource Area is 4. A Resource Area has a Health of 5, that the Attacker must roll above. Cards used as facedown Resources add +1 to the Health value for each, and for each point rolled over the threshold of 5, one Resource Card that is facedown is destroyed. A Resource Area that has been destroyed may not generate more Resources. A Unit must stop when encountering an Enemy's Resource Area, unless the Resource Area is destroyed. When first entering the Enemy's Battle Line, the Unit must stop too.
You may place Units together in the same Area. The Leadership value considered is the Leadership of the Unit under Attack. Should there be multiple targets, each Unit targets an individual, separate Unit. Should the Unit with the highest Leadership fail its Leadership Test, all Units in that Area Retreat. Should the Unit under Attack have a Leadership lower than the other Units in that Area, and it fails its Leadership Test, the other Units with the higher Leadership do not Retreat. Each damage against each Unit is taken into account for the modified Leadership roll.
I really like the Resource mechanic of the game I came up with. Any Card can be a Resource, and some of them can even be placed faceup and still generate Resources.
Peasant Militia
C:1 A:1 D:0 H:2 I:3 L:6
May be placed faceup in the Resource Line to generate 2 Resource.
This is an instance of a Unit in the game.
Also, you got Leadership wrong. You take the difference between Attack and Defence, then minus it off from the defeated party's Leadership, then rolling lower or equal than the modified Leadership in order to pass, failing at which causes your unit to Retreat.
Also, you do indeed have to take note of Damage, in this game called Wounds. Should we have it otherwise, and perhaps come up with our own IP?