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Protagonist/Antagonist for micro memory strategy game?

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JewellGames's picture
Joined: 06/03/2012

So I am working on a memory strategy game.

16/18 cards are picked and randomly placed face up in a 4x4 grid. Both players have some time to study the cards.

Player 1 is the protagonist and player 2 is the antagonist. Player 1 closes their eyes while player 2 switches the placement of any 3 cards (each card can only be switched with another adjacent card). Then player 2 flips all of the cards face down.

Player 1 starts by revealing a perimeter card. If it's a good card (worth points) the protagonist must again close their eyes while the antagonist gets to switch placements of any 1 card. If it's a bad card, the antagonist does nothing. After resolving either outcome, player 1 continues and reveals another card adjacent to the previously revealed card.

Player 1 continues to reveal cards one by one until they have revealed a certain number of bad cards. Once that happens, their turn ends and they add up the points from all revealed good cards.

Then, the same 16 cards are picked up and again randomly placed in a 4x4 grid. Players again study the cards but the roles are reversed.

After both rounds of play, the player that scores more points on their round as the protagonist wins the game.

So as you can see there is some strategy, luck, and bluffing involved. The mechanic works with an exploratory/conquer theme (i.e dungeon/territory/space exploration etc.) but needs to have an appropriate antagonist that meddles with the protagonist's progress. That is why hero v dungeon master was my 1st idea or invaders v a King(dom).

Thoughts? Or new suggestions after updating this information? Thank you!

And here is an example of the 18 cards using the space exploration. The Star (sun) grants each adjacent planet an extra point and the Black Hole is a special hazard that allows the antagonist to switch ANY two unexplored cards.

Each regular Planet is worth 1 point, and the Habitable Planet is worth 2. The Hostile Planet is worth 1 point but also has 1 hazard.

Soulfinger's picture
Joined: 01/06/2015


Or you can make it about spongiform encephalopathies like Scrapie, Mad Cow, or Kuru. It is then literally a contest to retain memory.

Joined: 07/28/2008
You could use a virus vs

You could use a virus vs anitbodies kind of thing.

Arthur Wohlwill
Joined: 05/30/2015
Antagonist for Memory Game

Hacker VS Computer Security Guy
Or some other sort of espionage

X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013
Ehm, hmmm. interesting. A

Ehm, hmmm. interesting. A strategy game where memory is of need.

How about warring squirrels? That hide their food? And another steals it or replaces it with a trap?


Submarines could also be a theme in this.

Worms perhaps?

JewellGames's picture
Joined: 06/03/2012

I have updated the OP to better explain the game. This is what the distribution of the 18 cards currently looks like using the basic "space" theme.

The Star (sun) grants each adjacent planet an extra point and the Black Hole is a special hazard that allows the antagonist to switch ANY two unexplored cards.

Each regular Planet is worth 1 point, and the Habitable Planet is worth 2. The Hostile Planet is worth 1 point but also has 1 hazard.

Joined: 01/17/2011
Random ideas

Maybe one of these will spawn something that is actually a good idea. :)

Student studying for exams vs the memory stealing gremlins that secretly inhabit dorm rooms.

Archeologist vs the secret society entrusted with protecting the McGuffin of Power.

Detective vs the criminal trying to erase the evidence.

Hacker vs the all-powerful AI trying to take over the world.

Journalist vs the government spin-doctors covering up the Secret That Will Bring Them Down.

Doctor vs the difficult to diagnose killer virus.

Alien UFO vs the skittish herd of cows.

Patient vs the beaurocracy required to make a successful claim for health insurance.


Joined: 08/21/2015
I have a suggestion: instead

I have a suggestion: instead of swapping roles, give each player their own deck/tableau, representing their "territory" (star-system, underground fortress or whatever). Then each gets to act as the protagonist and antagonist at the same time.
Although with 32 rather than 16 cards to remember, the memory element will then be significantly more challenging.

Other suggestions: unless there's some reason I don't know of, you don't have to use rectangular cards for this - square cards or tiles will work nicely (and might make for a more compact game, particularly in light of my previous suggestion). Also, if you keep the space theme (which I like) it would be nice to have a spaceship or rocket-shaped pawn or meeple which moves from card to card as you turn them over (not necessary, but it would look nice).

Joined: 03/02/2014
I rather like Soulfinger's

I rather like Soulfinger's spongiform encephalopathies idea. It's kind of gruesome and gives a sick humor to the game that would get people laughing.

The good cards could include ginkgo biloba, Lorenzo's oil, and illicit stem cell injection.

You could have powers for the good cards, too. For instance, one card lets the protagonist ask the antagonist whether a particular card is a specific named card. (i.e. Is this card Mad cow disease?) Another power would allow him to jump one place rather than taking the adjacent card. Etc.

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