I got this really epic idea for a retro-style scrolling blaster (computer)game in the shower. Sadly I can't program so I'll never be able to make it.
But it got me thinking how much fun everybody used to have with scrolling blasters back in the day. I was wondering if you could have a scrolling blaster boardgame?
It might work similar to a racing game, the objective being to be the first player to reach the end of level boss with sufficient firepower (stuff you'd collect along the way) to be able to defeat it.
There could be an optional cycling element so you can go round however many times until you build up enough power (so it could work kind of like Ludo?)
Personal preferences:
-It doesn't need to actually scroll, the scrolling element can be supplied by random or near random changes to the board.
-Any number from 2 to about 6 must be able to play it at once
-It musn't have any complex D&D style elements, you shouldn't have to consult extensive tomes on what a role of 19 means in such and such a context
-no funny dice please!
-it shouldn't requre a DM
-There should be room for players to choose the degree of co-operation and competition in their style of game play but in the end there should be only 1 clear winner.
-the board must be a reasonable size and not require any electric power to operate - preferably not any manual power either.
-the game must be stragegic
-obviously, it must be fun to play!
Does anyone have any ideas/suggestions on how a scrolling blaster boardgame could actually work?
Raiden style scrolling, although Contra style might be interesting.
I don't know how to simulate the reflexive fast pace.
I know that you could have groups of enemies which you move along as well as terrain, but that would make whoever plays it get sick of the game really quickly, I mean imagine a turn:
Ok, I'm (still) firing, not moving anywhere... Ok, move enemy bug type ship 1sidewasy, 1down, move enemy dart type ship 1 sideways, 3 down, move terrain block 1 down,move terrain block 1 down,move terrain block 1 down,move terrain block 1 down,etc...