Hey all!
What do you guys think about this? Sorry, it's long.
Tile placing, city building game.
There are 3 tile decks to chose from, well 4 sort of. Basic buildings, advanced buildings, and civic buildings. There are power plant tiles, visible by players, must be bought. I'm trying to figure out some better way of doing the tiles. There are 4 building types, residential, commercial, industrial, and civic. Everybody takes 1 action each turn. Draw, place, or rearrange. You can draw up to 2 tiles on your turn, or can place 1, or can move one.
Building tiles
Brown wooden blocks (Workers)
Blue wooden block (Security)
Monopoly money =P
Be the most profitable city. Whoever has the most money at the end of the game wins. Bonuses for having the most crime free cities, most clean cities, and having any utopian cities (free of crime and pollution.)
Basic Rules: (Nothing concrete, or even in depth)
-Residential and industrial cannot be placed next to each other.
-Commercial can be placed next to all, this helps in separating residential from industrial.
-Take taxes
Action (only 1)
-Place workers on buildings.
Each type of building has a common stat:
Power requirement, every building will require power. Your power plants can only support so much. The only thing in this game that costs money that you earn, are power plants. Since your goal is to have the most money by the end of the game, it is worthwhile spending money to buy a new power plant to either start a new city, or replace the one in your current city. Maybe add it to current city, haven't decided yet.
Each residential is worth a certain number of workers. Example, single family home has 2 workers. Each commercial and industrial building can have a certain number of employees. Usually 2 to 6. Workers are assigned here, getting you a certain amount of money per person. Commercial buildings introduce crime to your cities, and industrial introduces pollution. A commercial building may have 3 worker slots available on it, say it has 1 crime and it makes $50/worker. You can fill those with 2 types of employees, workers and security. For each security employed at the building, it removes 1 crime, and does not generate money. Some of the civic buildings, like police stations, will also be able to reduce crime, based on where it is placed, thus freeing up employee openings for more workers. You do not need to reduce the crime rate in your cities, however there are penalties for having crime. For now, it's just crime x $25 is how much you deduct from the money you get during upkeep phase.
Industrial buildings produce pollution. Placing parks anywhere will help reduce pollution, but to reduce it more, it's best to invest in advanced buildings. Advanced buildings can be stuff like, Clean Industry, an industrial building that CAN be placed next to residential and produces no or little pollution. Advanced buildings require better power plants, or just more power. You can get advanced commercial buildings that come with automated security, so they don't increase crime in the city.
I could write more, but I don't want to make this post any longer.
Winning condition:
This is where I'm struggling. I've come up with a couple ideas but not one of them I'm happy with.
1. I was thinking of making it so that once someone comes up with a utopian city, the game ends and people add up their money. This could work since people will have to get rid of crime AND pollution completely in their city to end the game. Everyone starts with a basic city setup, so they start with crime and pollution. Most options to reduce crime/pollution, hurts income in the beginning of the game. So it could work from stopping people from just focusing on ridding their city of pollution and crime as fast as possible, since they wouldn't have very good money to win. This kind of gives players the choice of when they think they can end the game to win.
2. I forgot my other ones haha.
Issues I have with the game so far:
-Keeping track of money you earn, versus what you lose from crime feels like it will be a pain.
-Why build both commercial and industry? They both have bad things to them, so why give yourself both crime and pollution. The only thing for now that keeps people building only commercial or only industrial is that industrial gives more money than commercial and commercial is basically required to build residential, since residential can't be built next to industrial. This forces people to build both. And I may limit how far tiles can be placed from power plants, making people be more selective of their placements. Instead of having 1 commercial building separating all their industrial and residential.
Thank you for reading!
I like your suggestions but I'm not sure that the ratings thing would work, and I already somewhat have that idea already mentioned in there with the utopian bonus. Where a city has 0 crime and 0 pollution, which comes down to making all commercial buildings crime free and all industrial buildings pollution free. I don't really have anything negative about residential, which is something I'm thinking about. It would be easier to see my vision of the game with the paper playing pieces I've drawn up, I'll have to post them at some point.
I have been thinking about some way to sabotage other players. At first I wanted people to be able to play disasters on each other, but I couldn't think of a good way to implement it. If you have any ideas in that area please let me know. =)