Hi again everyone!
So I've followed Chordcommander's advice and ported the Guards of Atlantis to Tabletopia (https://tabletopia.com/).
Anyone interested in trying it out - please drop me a PM, or respond to this post - I`ll be very curious to hear your opinion about the game.
See the attached screenshot - this is how it looks currently.
Ofcourse it's not GTA-V graphics or something, but it's easy to use and should do for testing purposes.
It's rather easy to use - I`ll give you a link and you will be able to join the game, using a browser. The only annoyance being that it requires Firefox and/or IE11.
If someone doesn't know what this is all about, I've posted a draft presentation video some time ago - https://youtu.be/ZQBkvNSLGmU
Hopefully it's enough to give you a general idea.
I had Guards on tabletopia while it was in testing. I didn't actually post it there for public access - this is why you can't find it.
Right now I`m actually testing my next game there (https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/209641/warpgate-evolving-4x-strategy).
Please drop me a PM if you're interested.