Hi there,
I'm looking to get a final set of rules down before playtesting my superhero based storytelling game. Now it is broadly similar to pandemic/darkest night, where on each turn a crime occurs in a region and an event hits the superheros and the doom track moves on one. After this they move around solving the crimes (which will be represented by the storytelling element) or opting to find clues to the big bad boss, or leveling up their character.
The game is lost if the doom track reaches 0 or if the superhero's base has 5 crime tokens on it (the bigbad has found the heroes and they are doomed).
My question is, the main focus of the game is the fun stories being read, and the heroes dealing with them. However, most of these will boil down to a roll or test against the heroes powers, meaning that they can be abstracted for playtesting purposes.
Would you write a few stories and playtest post being set up or would you abstract it out and just see if the core mechanics are worth continuing.
Any other thoughts would be neat...