Hello, im Luca and me and my friends are making a new card game called Sheep Happens. We launched a Kickstarter back in May, but it was unsuccessful, so we decided to work harder and make the game better before relaunch on Kickstarter. Actually, after months of hard work and closed beta sessions, we are going to begin an open beta test of our game, and we would like many people as possible to try the game and give feedback to us.
The open beta is starting 1st September, but you can download the rulebook now from this link (Rulebook) if you want to take a look. You can also find more informations about the game on the official website www.sheep-happens.com.
If you want to take part to the beta you only need to signup on our forum in this thread , we will send to you a confirmation email, and 1st september another email with the game in print and play pdf format. What do you guys think?
Playtesters wanted for a new game me and my friends are doing
Fri, 08/28/2015 - 04:19
Fri, 08/28/2015 - 09:27
Good layout and art. The
Good layout and art. The rules could use a proof-read -- there are a few typos, but generally they're understandable.
I'd suggest joining the beta, but I've already joined two other game betas and am having to work hard to get these played, so I ought not overcommit.
Good luck!

Thank you for your feedback, we will check the rules again for typos.