Hi I'm new to this place and I hope I don´t violate any forum rules by making this topic.
So now on to my problem:
I created a Cardgame and I´m now looking into my publishing options. The thing is that I want artistic control over the game, because I got a pretty good graphicdesign background and I think any alterations to the game whatsoever would be bad. So I´m looking into self-publishing.
However it is important for the game to use real Artworks, from all the eras of art History. I researched this matter and how I see it artworks from DaVinci and other long gone artists are free to use, if the photo I use is just a reproduction of the original artwork.
My problem is with the more recent artists. Pollock, Warhol and others aren´t dead long enough for thier artworks to be copyright free. So does anyone know how to obtain the rights to use Warhol&co's Pictures and more importantly how much that would cost? I#m not expecting to print massive amounts, i just wanna know if self publishing is at all affordable or if I should seek a hopefully nice small publisher.
BTW i'm in europe if that is important for the lawside of things.
THX for any answers.
doesn´t this (link above) prove it´s doable without immense costs per finished product?
I bought it for 8€ (marked off from 15€, which is the regular price) so the licensing can´t be that expensive.
I´d be willing to do everything myself up to one relatively high quality prototype(printed on heavy paper instead of cardstock). So I´d have one prototype with finished art and everything. Then I just need to either sort out the copyright stuff myself or find a small publisher who is willing to.
My main motivation is that using the original paintings and not some replacements, is very key for the whole game. The theme and the mechanics are interwoven and work too good together to change anything.
Thanks for the replies. I really appreciate your comments.