One of my other game designs is in need of some expertise in the range of "filler text" and theme text.
In short: I'm looking for people who know enough Latin to either fix Google Translate or make a couple of Latin phrases. I guess seeing the subject that it's also possible that I could use Italian.
About the game: The Conclave is a 3-10 player worker-placement game in which you play one of the 24 attending Cardinals during the 1492 Conclave in the Vatican (which in reality was the rise of Rodrigo Borgia, one of the more notorious, criminal, popes in history).
The point of the game is to "convince" other players and cardinals to vote for you and gain a majority during the final voting phase of a round. Ofcourse this is 1492 and convincing can be taken very boardly... By using your conviction, power or wealth you will try to make sure other Cardinals are forced to vote.
There's negotiation (both secret and open), backstabbing, subterfuge and misdirection. There's more but this is the jist of it.
As with most of my games the graphic design has progressed far into finalisation but it lacks... authenticity and I think some latin or italian phrases or excerpts would help a bit.
Attached is the board with all the elements. It's not final as I think it has some open spaces that could be used to explain the game (ie reminders).
I'm rechecking the rulebook so any people who are interested can take a look at it and give feedback when I upload it to my site.
PS Any input is welcome. I'm not a history buff so feel free to school me, Christian verses and other sayings from that period are mainly found through wiki's and other sites so if there are people on here with a more indepth knowledge: holler.
I'm having a hard time now to find english sentences that could be translated that fit the era and theme without sounding too harsh LOL
Even though the game is about corruption and simony, and featured murder and sex, I don't want to be too blatant about it.
I found a list of religious latin phrases that might be possible to place somewhere ironically (and thus cynically).
What would you lot prefer?