We have a winner!
Angry Stickmen
This was clear favorite, and ran away with the voting. The full results will be posted into the comments and critiques section, so head over there and let our designers know what you thought about their hard work!
[GDS] February 2014 "From nothing, something"
Please Read: Details on entering the Game Design Showdown.
Entries are in!
Lots of participation again, this month! Many participants took the essence of the challenge to heart and limited their components beyond what was required. Kudos to them for the personal challenge.
Take a long look through the entries, and turn your votes in to mindspike before the end of the 15th. Good luck, everyone!
There are some great game out there with very strange or simple components - and some that can be played with out any. After all, what is a game at its core but an agreed upon imaginary ruleset and some challenges? That's the heart of the February GDS - to make a game with at most one component.
A bit more on that later. First some examples. I'm sure you all can find more, but I'll start with the ancient game of Mancala. Nothing but beads in piles for that one; don't even really need a board. The more modern party game of Werewolf/Mafia can be played with nothing - just a moderator to keep track of a few basic roles. Coloretto can almost be played with just a set of cards with one color apiece. It's tough to get more modern examples as games are a great opportunity to sell a product - selling the old Sid Sackson games you could play with a buddy and a pencil/pad just doesn't work.
So what, specifically, is your challenge? You need to design a game - as themed as you'd like it to be - that uses at most one component. You can have as many of that component as you like, but the component cannot have any more than 1-bit of information to differentiate themselves - namely that it is variety X of the component.
If you chose "stones" as your component, then the single bit of identifying information might be it's size; that it is a "big" stone versus a "small" stone. Or maybe you chose chits as your component. They might be different colors. NOT "they are different colors AND some have different shapes." That's 2 bits of info (color AND shape).
And just to keep you all on your toes, CARDS ARE ABSOLUTELY FORBIDDEN. The temptation is too high to start using symbols and what-not to print information on them.
You'll need to focus on the interactions between players, as THEY are one of the few resources you can use in the game. And of course, one component.
By the way, a twister board fits this criteria still, as it is a essentially a series of large colored discs. That's it. But you couldn't have the spinner, too.
Now the standard details:
Word Limit: Standard 500 word
Voting: Award a Gold, Silver, and Bronze (worth 3,2, and 1 points respectively) Medals to your three favorite entries. Any entrant that does not award all three Medals will receive a Pyrite Medal (that's "Fool's Gold") worth -3 votes!
When submitting your entry: Please PM submissions to richdurham with the following subject line.
Subject: GDS - FEB - [your username]
Submissions: Saturday the 1st through to Saturday the 8th.
Voting: Through the 15th. PM your votes to mindspike.
Voting Format: Each person has 3 Medals (Gold, Silver, and Bronze - with values 3, 2, and 1 vote respectively) to distribute any way they choose among the GDS entries with the following restrictions:
- Entrants may not assign any Medals to their own entry!
- Entrants must assign all 3 Medals.
- An entrant who does not assign all 3 Medals will receive a Pyrite Medal (-3 votes) as a penalty.
Comments or Questions: Comments and questions about this Challenge were handled on the Comments Thread.
CRITIQUES: After voting has closed the entries will be posted for comments and critiques. Post constructive critiques and commentary about the entries to this Challenge in the [Critiques Thread].
GDS Details: For more details on how these Game Design Showdown Challenges work, visit the GDS Wiki Page.
Enjoy, and good luck!
-Rich and Mindspike
"Who? Where?"
Each player needs a paper and pencil and someone may track the time and score in each round.
In each round someone is the storyteller. His left neighbor write to the paper "Who" - person, animal etc.
His right neighbor write to his paper "Where" - the place. Both players give their papers to the stroyteller.
The judge start the timer and the player has 30 seconds to tell a fairytale, story, dream etc. where he must use at least once the mysterious "Who" and "Where" words.
(The only restriction may be that the player may not use charakters and places in story at a run like this: "Wolf, Rabbit, Fox and Bear go to the city and forest and the hills" etc. The structure must be more like: "Wolf goes to the forest and meets the Rabbit. Then they told about fishing on the lake bla-bla-bla")
If the time runs out all other players try to guess what are this mysterious words - write these on their papers.
(Of course the neighbors may guess only one word)
Now the scoring begins:
Each word guessed scores 1 point.
Both words guessed scores 3 points.
If one of the words is not guessed by nobody the storyteller scores 1 point.
If both words are not guessed by nobody the storyteller scores 3 points.
If one of the words is not used in the story the storyteller scores 1 negative point.
If both words not used in the story the storyteller scores 3 negative points.
The left neighbor is the next storyteller.
Play as many rounds that each player told a story.
Player with the most points is the winner.