Ok guys, what do I do?
I got a problem with a mechanic. Just because I actually managed to improve/speed-up game play on 2 other aspects.
The balance is too hard to find.
Play testing will not provide an answer, since I have no viable play test plan for this problem.
And the problem is a bit to hard and complex to explain.
Further, I have the feeling I am going in circles with this one.
And I have tried to post the problem over 10 times, but each time I though. "This isn't what I want to solve or ask, is it?".
As if even I myself don't really understand the problem. The game is just saying to me, "NO! :þ "
Why do I want to fix the problem? It is the sugar to the coffee. Without it, the game is bitter and feels like it lacks the potential.
So, before the problem. How to fix this problem around the problem? Because I feel like I am stuck for over a week already. And I can't let it go. (That's right, I sleep with it too)
I don't know,... did it make any sense?
... At least the post is a one page this time :)
Without the mechanic, the game is missing something.
With it, the game is broken in balance.
I have a basic game. Which is balanced, but plain.
And the "advanced" part, that has 2 sub-parts itself.
The first part is still balanced with the basic game.
The second part breaks the balance, but is needed to justify the first part.
Kinda like having 3 parts. Yet 1/3th doesn't work. 1/3th is not justified. And 1/3th is a basic set up but plain.
The advanced part uses a mechanic. But for the 2 sub parts, slightly different. I am having doubts that this is the correct way to do it, by now. Perhaps I should treat them exactly the same.
But I will be missing the HAHAAAA!!! in the game. Which we had so much fun with in the past.
What happens if you take out everything & then add them back one at a time? Do different combinations elicit different gameplay & feelings?
The gameplay feels plain if I leave the advanced part out.
Sure it gets a bit of flavour when I add the balanced part.
But players could choose to ignore it then. So... all or notching with the advanced part.
Seems to me the most clear solution is to undo the change you made and re-evaluate why you made that change. Then perhaps see if a different change accomplishes the same thing.
The reasons where simple:
Faster game play.
Easier game play.
I also re-evaluated the previous version.
And I know by now that, due to the complexity it first had; the imbalance was "less" and hidden.
The mechanic is easily broken when something different in the game changes. So it changed little by little in variables over time.
Thus in circles.
But now the stretched rope has snapped.
Knotting back, would mean the game is saved. But slower and harder to play. And the problem isn't fixed, just milder.
I do feel however that the speed up is something every game designer dreams of.
Perhaps... pretending that I don't know about the advanced part and adding something different instead?
One other note: in my experience when you can't describe how something works it's because you don't low how it works. If you don't know how it works, maybe try scrapping it and looking for a better way.
I concluded that I don't understand the problem, since I have no permanent solution.
Sure I can describe it.
But I am clearly missing something important in the problem. My hunch is that the underlying problem is a mathematical disaster.
I have tried logic. I have tried math. I have tried classification. And the core of the problem is on this forum. Back then, I thought I had the solution. But clearly, I failed myself without knowing.
Walk away
So a fresh start can be made.
Now, I know of this magic trick. Did that. And then I started the topic after my 3th fresh start.
Walking away again would be a bit to much though. And it doesn't solve. But what else could I do?
You sound like you're emotional about the situation. Making a game is a personal thing, you're investing yourself into the work. You're throwing everything you had at "the problem" and when it doesn't work you throw more.
Yeah, this sounds like me. The emotion that I get is "being pissed" and disappointed at myself. Not solving it, while the problem might be mathematical. Or I have missed some logic to it.
I do have the classifications.
It's frustrating, and infuriating and it's tearing you apart inside. (At least, it does me)
Your brain is more effective when you're relaxed. You should take a week or two to walk away, stop thinking about this, watch cartoon and eat cereal all day... or at least when you're not day-jobbing.
Set a date to return to the project. When you come back you'll have a clearer perspective.
Maybe you'll solve the problem, maybe you'll jump back to the last point you were comfortable with it, or sometimes you just realize that it can't be salvaged.
For now, just clear your head and don't worry about it.
That it can't be salvaged, is my worry. Like putting old Yeller down.
Your describing it all perfectly. Made me laugh though, thanks. :)
4 weeks is enough... click-clack. Come here boy! FFFFT! FFFFT!
Nah, I am going to think about it next week. Starting from scratch...again. Perhaps post the problem...again, on the forum. But with a more experienced, matured and different view on it.
Thanks everyone.