The fundraising campaign for the board game, “A Dog’s World” has begun. “A Dog’s World” is a strategy board game for 1 to 5 players, ages 10 and up. The objective of the game is to live the best dog life possible by learning tricks, performing deeds, and marking your territory along the way. Pick from one of 18 breeds, each with its own special ability, and travel from the city, to the suburbs, to the outskirts of town.
You can see our campaign and the rewards for our valued backers here:
You can also see a "How-To-Play" video on the campaign site.
The premise of "A Dog's World" (playing as a dog) is not unheard of, but typically games built around dogs are for small children. They have “kid appeal” in their design and have simplistic game-play. “A Dog’s World” is geared toward an older audience with a taste for strategy. Its part board game, part card game, and players will need to find the best way to achieve the most points before they’re breed’s lifeline reaches its end.
In the board game portion, players must travel to different parts of town (territories) where they can play specific cards. Getting to each territory and maximizing the amount of cards played is a key strategy in the game. Marking territory (and marking over opponents’ territories) is also key to achieving more points at the end of the game.
In the card game portion, players must build upon card combinations already played to advance their dog’s score. Players must learn Tricks before they can perform Deeds or Heroic Deeds (earning points), AND they must be in the corresponding territory to do so. Figuring out when (and where) to play or discard cards is also key to winning. Players will also need to figure out how to best utilize their breed’s special ability to gain an edge over their opponents.
There is also a random element in the form of a dog catcher. The dog catcher’s movement is randomized by a special die roll and moving the dog catcher pawn along the board via colored arrows. It makes for a constantly moving obstacle/hazard that players may or may not be able to predict, adding a bit of chance and risk to the game.
“A Dog’s World” is all about dogs, and while it will appeal to dog owners and board game junkies, it is accessible to casual and die-hard board gamers alike. There is plenty of room for expansion with this game as well. Additional Breeds, Tricks and Deeds can be added, and we have ideas for adding "Owner" cards, "Dogs with Jobs" cards and a Mixed Breed variation.
I hope you’ll consider helping “A Dog’s World” get made. I’m sort of a one-man operation, so garnering support for this project is essential to getting it manufactured. There are rewards for everyone, no matter the size of your donation. Thanks for reading, and be sure to tell any one else who may be interested in a board game about dogs.
Beau Roberts
Again, the Kickstarter campaign can be seen here:
And you can visit and join our official Facebook page here: