Please be aware that as of today around 5:00 PM EST, I've found that the website has been behaving rather BADLY.
I don't know if this is a "Denial of Service" type of attack ... But it looks like we are getting a lot of INVALID "login attempts".
I tracked one of them down to a BOT that uses a LOT of bandwidth each and every month and have BLOCKED it's activity to the website.
But while this seemed to rectify the situation A BIT... There are adresses that I cannot resolve the HOSTNAME giving me an invalid IP or name which may be a part of a DoS attack.
Please be patient while I examine the traffic and the errors and see if there are any additional reasons for BOT or other IPs trying to access the website through invalid channels.
Many thanks.
I found another BOT which has been monopolizing time for over 1:30 (One hour and a Half) in terms of time spent asking for pages. I blocked that BOT as well because it looks to be taking up WAY TOO MUCH SERVER time.
I've found two (2) other culprits ATM. But both return invalid HOSTs... And so they may be related to Hacking or a DoS, not sure ATM.
I'm looking into matters further. For now, another MASSIVE HOG of a BOT has been disabled.
Keeping you all abreast of my findings.