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Site Ads and Google Experiments

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questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011

Hello Everyone,

I just wanted to inform you that there may be some Google Ads that show-up which are NOT the usual "reserved area" on the Right-Hand Side. These are what Google calls "Experiments" and sometimes they last for MONTHS! In one particular experiment; an Ad would appear as a Modal Window as you visit the website (golly gosh darn).

I could NOT ACCEPT this "experiment" because it is the MOST annoying thing to get some kind of GIANT AD and be forced to click on an "X" from a Modal Window which occupies (if not) the entire screen or most of it.

I cancelled it (the "experiment") and we'll see if there are other TROUBLESOME "experiments" (there is still one running...) But it would seem that it's NOT an annoying Modal Window between links/URLs.

Again my apologies... I was unaware that there were more "Experiments" and if some get to be too "troublesome", I will MANUALLY "CANCEL" them.

Sorry please be patient as I resolve the "Experiments" to ensure that they do NOT bother our members and visitors.


questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Well it seems like Google was running yet another ...

Experiment! I had to shut it down... Because it was showing repetitive content (ads) in the posts of messages. That's definitely a NO! It was horrible, each comment had an Ad and it was over-abusive 200% maybe 500%!!!

Since this was a big issue, I DISABLED ALL future Experiments and shut down Google doing experimentation of the ads.

They will ONLY appear in the reserved area on the RHS!

Sorry if this caused any kind of inconvenience in using the website TODAY...


questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
If only I knew how AdSense could be PERSONALIZED MORE...

I would probably look into the bottom Banner which can be toggled to be visible or not. That's probably one location I COULD MAYBE(?) accept. That's a bit of a toss-up because ATM I have disabled ALL "Experiments" since I was fed-up with all of the various CRAZY ADS that were showing up in the COMMENT section of each thread...

Enough was enough. And I decided to shut-down any FUTURE Experiments because honestly, all I want is the RESERVED AD Space on the Right-Hand-Side in the designated area.

I don't want to OPTIMIZE my ads by 200% by adding the same sh!t in a different location or have modal windows pop-up each time you browse a link on the website...

Ridiculous. I hope nobody was affected by those ads and that you see that in the future there will be no more such "distractions".


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