Hi there!
I wanted to take a moment to tell you about a project I've been working on for almost a year now. The Tabletop Designer Summit is the first completely online conference for tabletop game designers.
What does completely online mean? Well, once you are registered for the event you will be able to login with one username and password, on one page, and be able to view every session from wherever you are in the world. Plus, it is spread out over three weeks so you'll be able to view more sessions live.
I've already announced quite a few speakers such as Jamey Stegmaier, Mike Selinker, Rob Daviau, Stephen Avery, Darrell Louder, and quite a few more. You'll also be able to view sessions that are complete for 90 days after the conference ends.
I am bringing the event to Kickstarter in October as their is a significant cost to the software to allow such a conference and I'd love to get your feedback. The website is tabletoptorch.com/ttdsummit.
Please let me know your thoughts!
Hey guys, thanks for the feedback. I'm trying to accomplish more than just a webinar experience with this. The conferencing company I'm partnering with enables me to provide a unique login for each attendee, interactivity between speakers and attendees, hosted on demand video all in one location that is easy to find, downloadable audio, live chat between attendees, and virtual exhibit booths that will be powered by Tabletopia.
It will be more than just logging in for one webinar at a time. I also have the ability to let company's sponsor different areas of the conference.