My friend is conducting some basic research on how well women and men can tell when someone's lying. You basically look at some short video clips and tell it which of the three things the person said was a lie. The "two truths and a lie" thing, but with video.
In order to maintain some form of research accuracy, it won't tell you which ones were true and which were lies right away, but she's said she'll post the results once enough people have taken it.
It only takes a few minutes... if you're bored and can watch a few very short videos and guess at the lies, it'd be awesome! (will redirect to PollDaddy after you click "Next," it's not a Geocities thing)
Help a sister out! (My friend, that is.)
Good point. Unfortunately those are worded the "standard" way they are here in the US, probably the way she had to word them. Bah. I'll bring it up to her.