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Graphic Design for 2D or 3D?

4 replies [Last post]
Nimvoker's picture
Joined: 07/30/2008


My Apologies if I posted in the wrong Section but.

I am wondering if there is any information regarding:
-Which Graphic Design Software is usefull for creating 2D games?
-Which Graphic Design Software is usefull for creating 3D games?

Please discard Game Engines;
What's the difference you say?

-Game Engines: requiers none or few programming and includes sets already made for you to choose from.
-Graphic Design Software: requiers programming and you make your own graphics from scratch.


Zzzzz's picture
Joined: 06/20/2008
You might not have seen my

You might not have seen my other post reply, but this is NOT a computer game site. I polietly request you stop making posts of computer related topics, or I will have to delete and remove both your current posts and account.

MatthewF's picture
Joined: 07/22/2008
Moved to Off Topic

[Moved to Off Topic, fyi]

Nimvoker's picture
Joined: 07/30/2008
I only posted two threads

I only posted two threads simultaneously...
And I'm apologizing...

Thanks anyways.

[check dates]

Zzzzz's picture
Joined: 06/20/2008
Just to clarify, I know you

Just to clarify, I know you posted two thread *simultaneiously*.

Which is why one of my comments was in the form of

You might not have seen my other post reply, but this is NOT a computer game site

Thanks and sorry about the confusion.

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