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IPad/Phone Knowledge Required

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Dralius's picture
Joined: 07/26/2008

Im hoping that someone has firsthand knowledge of developing IPad/Phone game Apps or can point me to someone that does. Not a Forum but a person.

Iā€™m trying to figure what reasonable cost would be, time frame and how to get market data.

If you can help Message me.

Joined: 04/18/2009
I am prity shore I read a big

I am prity shore I read a big post about that over at but as I went to look for it to post here I could not find it. I know he is involved with the straw ap for I-phone so he should be able to provide you with som info.

The post I read was an economic overvu of the cost for making an ap and what the earnings would be. I remeber that he had looked thou the statistics, and there an ap would on average make you 900 dollars. but the top selling aps are exkluded from the statistics due to the fact they sell so good. So if you are able to make one like that then you would realy earn some money I guess. =)

Mail him and ask about the post, I am prity shore it was on his home page I saw it. He is also a BGDF member.

Joined: 04/18/2009
Also maby two weeks ago there

Also maby two weeks ago there was a app company in here posting and looking for buissnis. So look throu the older post and you will be able to find them.

Joined: 04/18/2009
Here is the post I found it

Here is the post I found it prity easy.

rcjames14's picture
Joined: 09/17/2010
Internet Dependencies

hulken wrote:
I am prettty sure I read a big post about that over at but as I went to look for it to post here I could not find it. I know he is involved with the straw ap for I-phone so he should be able to provide you with som info.

My fault. The data you are referring to was linked to a financial partnership proposal. So, the post was delisted when I decided to go in a different direction. However, you can find the content through this link:

As far as finding coders go... what kind of projects do you have in mind?

Dralius's picture
Joined: 07/26/2008
rcjames14 wrote:As far as

rcjames14 wrote:
As far as finding coders go... what kind of projects do you have in mind?

A Game! LOL

Sorry I just had to do that.

One of my simpler ones like depth charge. After revision into a more commercial format I would like port it with AI and full two player mode.

Redcap's picture
Joined: 07/26/2008
Do it yourself?

Visit for some more 1-1 conversations with developers, but my 1.5 years of experience in this has lead to the following information; if it is helpful.

If you are looking to hire someone to code the game for you... very expensive; most who go this route never get their moneys worth unless they are a professional gaming company. Think $30-$50/hour. If you are looking for someone to do a profit share with, it is difficult to find someone you A) Like to work with and B) Will take the project seriously. Though it is possible. There is a saying that rings true in this situation, the only ship that never sails is a partnership.

So you are then left with the third option, do it yourself; which isn't all that bad. Unity 3d is a free application that is ridiculuosly easy to learn (Don't get me wrong it will still take a lot of work, but compared to many platforms; it is the easiest I have found). So wet your feet and make a program with that, you then can spend a few hundred to get the iphone version and make it yourself with very little modification to the code.

But then you get into the graphics issue, because code doesn't sell a game, art does... then there is more time and more money!!! Ahhhh!!!

Timeline: if you pay shouldn't take more than a month. If you don't pay: "soon" as in sometime between now and the end of time. :)

Best of luck.

rcjames14's picture
Joined: 09/17/2010
Depth Charge

As redcap has pointed out, development is often expensive to commission and very tricky to arrange on spec. Both designer and developer have to be on the same page... otherwise, it's likely to be unprofitable for one party or unlikely to come to anything. So... the first question is probably the most obvious one: is it worth it?

Do you have any details to look at for depth charge?

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