im a young child (under 15)
i nead some help on what to do with a game
i have made games since i was 7
i want to start selling my best game it took me 2 years to finish
but need the the folowing
4 white dice
1 red die
paper to print out the board
15 orenge chips
15 blue chips
plues any thing i need to sell it
If you search "prototype" on this forum you will find lots of advice has already been given to people wanting to sell their game.
You will also need your rules printed Devin ... perhaps an adult can help you with proofreading etc.
Devin, mass kudos to your profil picture!
Fish around the the "prototyping" forum and look up sources, there are a lot posted, of game bits. You will find affordable chips on these websites.
Unless your game is completed and ready for publish, use poster board or something. Anything that works. Otherwise, you would be looking for a printing company or bussiness. I drew up one of my prototypes and then had a local printing company run prints or scans of the original so I could have many people test without having to redraw.
Find a hobby shop that sells lots of games. Or on the web, for the dice or anything els. The other thing, map programs or dungion map creating programs are very useful.
Welcome and good luck with your game.
Sometimes Dollar stores and thrift stores are good places to find cheap Dice or poker chips.
Do your chips have to be orange? Would blue and red work?
Devfire, if you don't mind, I want to put your profil picture on my desktop background. Do you mind linking me to the picture?
paper to print out the board
Hi, Devin.
What is the size of the board?
I hope you go far with your ideas. Thanks for the pic Devfire! It looks sweet on my computer background.
Hello Devin,
i nead some help on what to do with a game
i have made games since i was 7
i want to start selling my best game it took me 2 years to finish
but need the the folowing
4 white dice
1 red die
paper to print out the board
15 orenge chips
15 blue chips
plues any thing i need to sell it
Are you going to sell it yourself on a website? Are you going to go to game stores, have them buy copies, and have them sell it in their store? The quality of chips and board paper for those two things can be very different.
What you make the game out of also depends on your goal for selling the game, and who you're targeting. If you're trying to sell your game to people who are more interested in play than in high-quality components, then you can get away with very inexpensive parts. You could punch your chips out of colored card stock with a round scrapbook punch if you wanted to. If you're trying to make your game look just like a professional game (like Hasbro), it's going to be a lot harder to get parts – especially the board.
You can get dice (white and red) and chips (blue and orange) from Koplow or Chessex.
You'll need to buy a large number of them if you want a good price, and they'll probably want to deal with someone 18 or older (because they can be legally bound by contracts, etc.).
Another option: Talk to the manager at your local game store. Let him or her know that you're making copies of your own original board game that you want to sell. Ask the manager if they can sell the dice and chips to you at a discount, or even at the cost they buy them from the wholesaler at. If you're a good customer, and polite, you're likely to get a good reaction.
Paper to print the board on... If you're trying to make a game that is good enough, but not professional quality, you can print it on card stock and tape or rubber cement it together. You can find card stock at almost any paper store, Office Depot, Office Max, Staples, etc.. Alternately, you can print it on normal paper and mount it on a cereal box, foam core, matte board, or other stiff board. You can find these at any craft store (Michael's, Hobby Lobby, etc.).
You also say...
im way to far a head i have had a pro auther(aka my sister) profread my rules i have printed them off
im getting a copyright and the game is ready to play i just need the stuff for the game
I'm assuming that you've had a lot of friends and family play your game, and they all like it. That's really good, and it's a strong sign that you have a good game.
Has anyone who doesn't know you played your game? If they have, were you there when they played it? Did you help them learn how to play the game, or did they learn it entirely on their own from reading the rules? When you give a complete copy of your rules and game to people who don't know you, leave them alone with it, and find out if they can play it (and if they like it), that's called a blind play test. It's a really important part of finding out if people who don't know you will like your game and buy your game. When you run a blind play test, it's important to have the play testers fill out a short form to find out what they liked, didn't like, would change, and so on.
If you've already done blind play tests: Congratulations! That's very professional of you, and I'm impressed.
If you haven't done blind play tests and you choose not to, consider this: The time and energy spent on just one properly run blind play test at your local game store could save you a lot of money and prevent a lot of wasted effort. I would not ignore this advice.
Copyrights: If you really want to get a copyright, go ahead. Read some of the other threads on the BGDF and you'll see that you probably don't need a copyright as badly as you think you do. Like you, I made my first game when I was 7 and I've been making up games ever since. I've made over 100 games now, and I haven't filed copyright paperwork for any of them. To my knowledge, I haven't had any of them stolen (although there are two cases of parallel development, but that's bound to happen). Getting a copyright is probably work and money that you don't really need to spend. If it makes you feel safer, then go ahead and do it.
I don't think I can offer any more advice beyond this. I hope you accomplish everything you're hoping to.
Good luck, Devin.
You might also check out They sell pawns and chips at retail and wholesale. They might have dice for sale as well, but they've been cutting back on stocking dice since the company is for sale.
It's imazing what you can learn by asking the right questions. You're a smart kid. Keep the fire burning and have fun. Just ride it out until your 18. You have your whole life to spend creating. Just have fun, keep earning as much as you can and keep the fire burning.

im way to far a head i have had a pro auther(aka my sister) profread my rules i have printed them off
im getting a copyright and the game is ready to play i just need the stuff for the game