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Let's revive the Reviewers Section...

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questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011

What are your thoughts about this? Reviving the "Reviewers Section" would be pretty simple to do... It could follow some simple moderation rules and anyone who would want to share a "Gaming Experience" can do so...

Basically if you play a TableTop game (Card or Board), take notes during the experience and have sufficient material to post a short but to the point topic about the game.

The usual is necessary:

1. Date
2. Game Name
3. Designer Name
4. Publisher (of your Edition)

5. Time of Play
6. Number of Players
7. Player Ages from Youngest to Oldest

8. The review itself about how much or how little FUN you had playing

Talk about some of the more tense moments, the laughs, the thrills (especially when relying on dice), etc.

And lastly...

9. Your overall Appreciation for the game: "x" out of 10
10. Final thoughts about the game (something to know or memorable)

That could be a great format to follow and it would be GREAT to see/hear about PEOPLE, DESIGNERS, GAMERS playing some of the classics or older games or maybe even newer ones like "Terraforming Mars"! (That's one for Dr. Lew Pulsipher... Kudos!)

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
And maybe do this from a "Game Designer's" Perspective!

We know that there are a TON of reviewers OUT-THERE! This section would be different ... As it's GOAL would be to APPEAL to "Game Designer". It's sort of like doing an exam and then telling your friend afterwards what were all the hard questions and the troublesome problems and such...

We would talk in "design-lingo" what are the mechanics... How do they work together... How does the game challenge you ... What is "broken" in the game or not solved yet... Game flaws and challenges...

Things like THAT! Making these REVIEWS EDUCATIONAL for other GAME DESIGNERS... It's nice to watch Tom Vasel, Rodney Smith, Richard Ham, Undead Viking, Edo Baraf, and the countless others, etc.

But they all approach games from the PLAYER's perspective. What about a perspective from a DESIGNER's Point-of-view???

Now I know this section will have a bit of a challenging time. But once the COVID-19 restrictions are removed and that life can resume the NEW-NORMAL... We're going to have hobby nights and game nights... People can't wait to resume playing TableTop Games AGAIN!

And that's where ALL of YOU, that's right YOU (the person reading this thread) come into play... I don't know how well we will be able to KEEP ALIVE that Forum... ATM it's only an idea... Share your thoughts with me and let me know if you would be willing to take a few notes here-and-there to have this EXCITING thread about the inner workings of TableTop Games!

Cheers folks.

pelle's picture
Joined: 08/11/2008
As you point out, it would

As you point out, it would have to be from a designer's perspective. I do not know of any site that has that focus.

But that is sounding a bit like a forum that already exists here (where I never saw much traffic?):

Maybe just rename that to include analysis of all games, not just "classics", or there will be some confusing overlap, trying to guess if you are reviewing a game or deconstructing it, or trying to decide if it is a classic or not.

On the other hand, in the 12+ years I have been here, I never ever noticed or cared about what subforum a post was in. I only always look at the feed of new posts to the right of the screen and click on the titles that show up. I would never notice if a post was in the "wrong forum".

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
To explain further...

No I don't want to do it in the "deconstructing classic game x", I was more thinking of something like an homage to "Tom Vasel" and something moving forwards as the place to ADD a comment when you PLAY a NEW game (or one that has not been reviewed yet) or play one that has been reviewed by someone else (has a review but your opinion contrasts) but you have a difference of opinion...

It would probably be in a Forum such as in "General" -> "TBH Game Reviews".

That is what I am thinking. I don't know if that forum will survive?! Will we get enough participation, is one (1) review per week too lofty of a goal for our members?! These are all valid questions to which that I have no answer ATM.

But I'm willing to entertain the Forum... In honor of "Tom Vasel" being a member way back in 2004. I think he did 2 years of reviews from 2004 to 2006 on and then founded his OWN website "The Dice Tower".

I'm trying to work on the FIRST ENTRY ... And have been in contact with a designer to see if HE would be willing to be the FIRST "Game" to be reviewed (and yes this is a published/commercial game). Being first is cool because you'll always be the first one to have gotten their review over on and it's a memorable thing...

We'll see what this Game Designer thinks ... And take it from there!

Note #1: And I say "homage" to Tom Vasel because HE WAS an active member and he's continued the reviewer tradition to his own website. The idea is to "re-kindle" a bit of that nostalgia with a NEW forum dedicated to "Designer Reviews". How many people do YOU know who have asked YOU for YOUR opinion on a game???

The answer is probably nobody. However you probably do PLAY games! And you most certainly have an opinion about the game afterwards. And that's what we're talking about HERE! We want YOUR opinion! Was the game good, did it have interesting mechanics, was the theme cohesive or just pasted on-top, if there was a story was it relevant, if there were components what was their overall quality, etc.

Things that matter to other Game Designers!

Note #2: While we know that there are a bunch of reviewers out-there (some more known than others) ... The point that I am presenting is WHO has ever asked YOU to write a review??? Probably nobody and you maybe play games as frequently as some of the reviewers (not all)... But some. You may have one game night and play 4 unlisted games (games not reviewed on ... That's your chance to share your opinion with the community about your thoughts on those 4 games (again from the perspective as being a Game Designer)!

pelle's picture
Joined: 08/11/2008
Why would you contact the

Why would you contact the publishers of a game before posting a review?

And this would need something to set it apart from bgg reviews, probably with more of a design focus (unlike the old bgdf reviews that look more like just regular user reviews).

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
I sent you a PM...

pelle wrote:
Why would you contact the publishers of a game before posting a review?

Because I don't OWN the game that I want to review. This is more like REAL "Review" where someone sends me a copy of the game and I review from a Game Designer's perspective. I'm just putting my "best foot forwards"!

pelle wrote:
And this would need something to set it apart from bgg reviews, probably with more of a design focus (unlike the old bgdf reviews that look more like just regular user reviews).

I agree ... And since I don't USUALLY play "these kind of games" (like the one I am going to start-off the forum with) ... It's going to have a lot of technical discussions going on (from what I have seen of the game). There are a lot of mechanics woven together...

If you are a REGULAR contributor to the "Reviewers" Forum well then people may "seek you out" for your opinion on how the game is from a Designer's Stand-Point of View!

Man_Over_Game's picture
Joined: 05/06/2021
I'm on board. I would love

I'm on board. I would love something like this.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
The Prototype is on it's way!

So very excited to receive a PROTOTYPE to be able to critique, play and of course review. I'm not so sure how GREAT of a reception we will have with this Forum ("TBH Game Reviews") but if some of you decided to become more involved with this particular Forum, I will KEEP a LIST of people willing to playtest NEW and up-coming games... The COOL and HOT stuff (as much as possible).

The IDEA is simple, someone e-mails ME (QuestCCG) about a game they would like to be reviewed by and I will contact a few REGULAR members who actively involve themselves in PLAYTESTING and GAMING in general. Once one member is selected, I will contact the person looking for a REVIEW and send them the Address Information for the game.

The NEXT step is to confirm that the member has received his/her copy and then the member can proceed to play it and take notes. REMEMBER: it must be from a DESIGNER'S PERSPECTIVE. So talk about Mechanics, Theme, Play Time, Focus, Overall appeal and your ranking (1 to 10).

And that's it... The REVIEWER gets to KEEP his/her copy of the GAME, we make the thread visible to everyone ... And the obligations are met! How cool does that sound???

Please feel free to comment and let us know your thoughts!

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
More on the concept

questccg wrote:
...I will KEEP a LIST of people willing to playtest NEW and up-coming games... The COOL and HOT stuff (as much as possible).

While I know some of you are REGULAR "Gamers" like "The Professor", I realize that Joe is pretty busy with Developing, AD&D nights, Board Games in Philly and full-time job too(!) that he wouldn't have the time to be a regular reviewer... I don't know how he manages to get everything DONE!

Anyways the idea is that I am looking for MEMBERS who either have FAMILY or GAMING GROUPS (with Friends) that get together at least ONCE a MONTH. If I can find 3 to 4 of these people... That would be FANTASTIC!

Realize that you will be getting FREE "Prototypes" and that your sole responsibility will be to write up a REVIEW (from a Designer's Perspective). We'll be the only ones... So there MAY be a DEMAND...! In any case, I can ADD "Reviews" to my solicitation list (duties that I perform)... If we have a CREW who is INTERESTED in TRYING to make some cool reviews from a different ANGLE, WHY NOT?!

Don't worry you addresses will be kept confidential (meaning that only the Publisher/Designer will know your mailing address) and only the parties involved in the production of the "prototype" for the review will know to whom to send the "prototype" to... Once I sort out the details...

So it's an extra Administration task... But I would be willing to do it... If Reviews are seen as something of value and of INTEREST to the Publishers/Designers who are Kickstarting all kinds of different games...!

Note #1: ATM I can be Person #4... In a once per-month capacity to play HOT and COOL up-coming games... So we only need 3 other people who can ALSO participate once a MONTH.

The idea is to pump out may 1 to 2 reviews in a month... Seems a bit optimistic ... But we'll see. Once I get the "ball started", we'll see from there if there is MORE interest.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
I've created the Forum and setup some links too

But it's going to take AT LEAST ONE (1) MONTH before the 1st Game reaches my doorstep... So the forum will be SLOW until then... And hopefully when you all see what I have planned (it will be probably multiple parts) and there may be different sections presented by different designers too... We'll see what we can accomplish.

Remember, we're trying to put our "Best First Foot Forwards"!

Much like the Ad Program there has been some success, enough to pay for disk space and daily back-ups (which BOTH cost money BTW). And we have some monies set aside for the next payment of hosting fees too... So it's been okay. I'm guessing I could be more "aggressive" and reach out to more people...

As an FYI, I have been receiving a LOT of e-mails asking for sponsored posts. And I've discussed it with Rich and he agrees... All they want is our traffic (16,000+ Visitors a month). And they want to pay peanuts for it. Pennies on the dollar...

So please do NOT contact me for anything sponsored UNLESS you want a BANNER Ad with our Ad Program which helps support the maintenance and availability of

Again don't worry if the Reviewers Forum may be a bit quiet. I'm not expecting ANY action in the next MONTH or so... Unless we have another STAR candidate who mysteriously shows up wanting us to DO a review... Highly unlikely... But then again, it could happen. Not impossible.

Please be patient as we wait for product to arrive and then take a more detail look at rules and such to begin by sharing more information about the game in-question! Cheers.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011

BTW are there any Members (Regulars) that might be interested in being a part of "TBH Game Reviews"??? I ask because it might be good to discuss this with your game group and not wait to last minute sort of deal...

Like I said, the goal would be NEW and COOL products that would come to us by ways of a Game Designer or a Publisher launching a Kickstarter soon and such... So don't worry we may get prototypes ... But they will probably be in very advanced stages if not final in many cases!

All it takes to participate is a GROUP and availability to do ONE (1) Review per Month.


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