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Programming Languages for 2D and 3D?

5 replies [Last post]
Nimvoker's picture
Joined: 07/30/2008


My apologies if this has been posted in the wrong section but Mechanics was the closest I found to Programming subject.

I am wondering if there is any Information regarding the following;

-Which Programming Languages can be used to create 2D games?
-Which Programming Languages can be used to create 3D games?

I'd appreciate a lot any information regarding the previous two questions.


Zzzzz's picture
Joined: 06/20/2008
A few members might be able

A few members might be able to reply to your question, but this is not a computer related game forum. As such I would direct you to sites such as or

Sorry for the late of help but if you wanted to know about creating a table top board game, this site would be more useful for you!

doralia's picture
Joined: 07/26/2008
Programming Languages

Simply put: C++ is the language of choice for professionally-produced games, both 2D and 3D. However, games are written in many, many languages: C#, Java and Flash being some of the major choices.

There are a number of choices and trade-offs involved when choosing a technology on which to build your game, and there is no one right choice. Much will depend on what you want to produce. For example, Flash is probably the simplest of the bunch, and it is widely available to anyone with a web browser, but it's best suited for small, 2D games.

If you're just starting out, might I suggest looking at software like Adventure Games Studio or Game Maker for your first foray. From there, maybe try a 2D game in Flash.

It's a rewarding hobby. I hope you produce something great!

MatthewF's picture
Joined: 07/22/2008
Moved to Off Topic

[Moved to Off Topic, fyi]

Nimvoker's picture
Joined: 07/30/2008
I'm sorry for posting this

I'm sorry for posting this here, I miss understood the Forum Title ._.

However Thanks for the comments!

tdishman's picture
Joined: 08/05/2008
C++ is definitely the most

C++ is definitely the most popular language for developing a traditional desktop PC game. I happen to be an application developer, and I've dabbled in PC game design before. I'm not proficient in C++, but I've had no problems using VB.NET to develop games. If you're just starting, you'll probably find VB.NET a little easier to learn than C++ (and unless you're planning on some exotic bleeding edge game, VB.NET could work just fine).

In the past I've used the Truevision3D engine for graphics ( Truevision3D is basically a wrapper for the DirectX libraries, which makes it much easier to develop 3D games in C++, VB, or Delphi. They have a free version (that shows a watermark in the corner of the screen, but is otherwise full-featured). They offer many sample projects to get you started, and a fairly active community of users to help you out.

If you're not already a programmer, I would strongly suggest starting with something not game-related to learn the basics of good code-writing. Even a seasoned vet like myself will write poor game code because the concepts and impact on speed are far different from traditional business apps. And if you're dreaming up the next great MMORPG, don't. Adding networking to a game is a monumental task - start with simple games, and work your way into complexity.

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