It's unusual that I would talk about a video game system on here. Anyone play the PSP? I am slow to accept new forms of technology, but I must say that when I found the Playstation Portabe, it was the coolest thing since sliced bread. It seems to just do everything! I think you can hook up networks or play online with it. I'm not familiar with that feature yet. If this is posible with the PSP, I am open to anyone who wants to play a game over an online network. My two favorites at the moment are "Hard Rock Casino" and "Tiger Woods PGA Tour 08". I don't know much other games for it. Back in the day I used to spend hours and hours with my friends playing 007 on the 64 on multiplayer. My friend used to get so pissed because of the proximety mines I blew him up with. He would get so mad, and the more angry he got the harder I laughed.
This is an actually interesting thread, I wonder if there is a strong correlation between people who like video games and those who like board games. I mean half of the board games on market are based off of video games; those board games generally suck but you get my meaning.
I would say that most board gamers born after 1980 also play video games. Video games on the other hand have a broader audiance. Unless your counting like people who play a Milton-Bradley game occasionally, then there are more for board games. Video games far exceede board games in solo play experiance, and for that reason, I think board gamers will always play video games when they can't find others to play with.
a lot of people born after 1990 may play PSP , it is popular among them ~~~
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Yah, and hot digety dog! The accesories that go with this thing make it so cool