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Thematic Encyclopedia part 2

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larienna's picture
Joined: 07/28/2008

I have checked a few sci-fi / fantasy encyclopedia and it is really not what I am looking for. I think the problem is that the terms level are too high and there is too much text in each entry. I would be looking more for word list with short descriptions like:

Food Replicator
Theme:Sci-Fiction and future
Type: Device and tools
Description: Machine that can artificially create food out of nothing.
Sources: Star Trek, Master of Orion2

It would be cool to have a site with word list taken from novels and video games that would be classified according to the theme and the nature of the term.

Joined: 08/28/2008

Hey, why not start a wiki yourself? Post the way you want people to add references to it like you did in your post. File some entries yourself, ask for help on sci-fi blogs and you're on your way.

- An interested poster :-)

larienna's picture
Joined: 07/28/2008
Well that is indirectly what

Well that is indirectly what I wanted to say, I could maybe make a wiki and allow people to submit stuff. Still I want to have some control on the indexing and I don't want to get something like wikipedia where each entry is on a seperate page.

I am not sure how people would submit their entries. On a web page, throught CSV files or SQL script. I thought of making an access database that people could fill up, send it to me. Then I check the content, generate the sql script and pass it in the database.

I am only familiar with PMwiki right now. Not sure if I would need to find a place to host the site or simply place it on my personal account. Since the entries are only made of text, it should not take much place in my account.

larienna's picture
Joined: 07/28/2008
By thinking about it, it is

By thinking about it, it is more a dictionnary than an encyclopedia. I was wondering if there was not any system that already existed to create you own dictionnary on the web.

The only difference is that instead of searching a word, you browse a list of words as a source of inspirations. So I am not sure if dictionnary system would allow this.

Mean while, I'll check if there is a dictionnary cookbook for PMwiki.

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