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Antaire: Dungeons - Card Design

This is this is my current card redesign.

I am not happy with the grey block, but have yet to fully explore other options yet. It looks 100% better than just white Antaire: Dungeons - Card Template


That's A Lot of Information

You might try a bar down the left side of the card, rather than at the top. Unless something will be laid on top of this card after it is played, it would be easier to index with the information on the left and it will also likely allow you to print each item so that it is slightly larger.

You might also think about moving the special text below the image so that you don't obscure the most important part (the face).

I have tried it with a bar

I have tried it with a bar down the side. I guess one thing I have not shown here is that this is really showing 2 cards in one. I agree with the text and face. There are few cards that have this as an issue, and it will be addressed. The text for the above card is for a spell called Poison dagger, in this instance it was just a case of me rotating the picture until it fitted

Dungeon cards will have the rank and chevron (blue), as well as the 5 stats, but no gold value.

e.g. Antaire: Dungeons Slime

Where as Equipment cards will replace the chevron + rank value with a straight image representing the shop, add the gold cost and location where the item can be used.

Thanks for the input

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