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questccg's blog

Tradewars - Homeworld: The Derelict (Revisited)

I finally got my twenty (20) copies of the "Tradewars - Homeworld" (TWHW) prototype... Obviously since I ordered the copies from The Game Crafter (TGC), the decks were not in order. So I spent about 2 hours putting each and every deck in the proper order... That task did not both me at all - but what was more interesting is that I got the chance to playtest the SOLITARY "The Derelict" scenario (the NEW and improved version).

Trying the game out for the first time only to find out that the game was way too easy.

Crystal Heroes - Crowdfunding and more...

I wanted to start off by saying, I want to crowdfund this game with a real low Funding Goal ($5,000). To that I will add four (4) stretch goals, each one with four (4) more cards...

I figure if I want to produce the game and it will cost something like $5.00 to make a four (4) card set (with delivery charges included), that means we should be selling sets at about $30.00 (6x multiplier).

Tradewars - Homeworld: Blizzard Starcraft 2

Well it's official, Blizzard's Starcraft 2 trailer for their next edition of the game (Starcraft 2: Legacy of the void) has COPIED my game which has been in development for over 2 years!

HOW? If you watch the trailer (link = at 2:46, and I quote: "Today we re-take our Homeworld... And with it our Legacy!"

So it's official Blizzard talk about "Homeworlds" is definitely akin to our use of "Homeworld" in our deck-building card game.

This means if you like "Starcraft 2", you'll also enjoy playing "Tradewars - Homeworld"!!! Mouhaha... ;)

Crystal Heroes - What about Mana???

Okay so I have been thinking about how "Mana" (the old currency in the Video game) could be transformed and used within "Crystal Heroes" The Card Game (TCG)...

And I have come up with something NOVEL (I've never seen this specific mechanic before):

When you use an "Active" ability, for EACH CARD that it affects causes you to LOSE one (1) Victory Point.

For example: if your card affects 2 other cards, that would mean -2 VPs. And the goal to WIN is having more VPs than your opponent.

Crystal Heroes - Expansion #4

Here is the fourth four (4) set of expansion cards.

Crystal Heroes - Expansion #3

Here is the third four (4) set of expansion cards.

Crystal Heroes - Expansion #2

Here is the second four (4) set of expansion cards.

Crystal Heroes - Expansion #1

Here is the first four (4) set of expansion cards.

Crystal Heroes - Starter Deck

Without further delay, I present to you the Crystal Heroes - Starter Deck!


table> Race Role Stats Unique Ability Type Description Dark Elves Assassin 2P 8A 2R 6D Yes Assassination Active roll 1d10 = 5+, kill any unit High Elves <td

All Stars GM: Introduction

This is yet one of my designs that dates back to high school. That's a whooping 25 years ago! I used to play board & card games in school with friends. We used to have a social club in which people could play games during lunch break.

Okay let's get to the design!

I call it "All Stars GM". And I know that I have in the past asked other designers if they might be interested in the concept. So far, no interest.

As such, I have decided myself to work on the game - and see what may evolve from it...

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by Dr. Radut