I've updated the hex tile artwork for the core set of Mole Majority. Although it's all technically placeholder artwork, it's still a chance to communicate the idea that the game takes place on a golf course. I've added forest/"roughs" tiles, sand traps, and water hazards. The 6-point hexes are still plain grass/fairways.
If you have any feedback or critique, feel free to comment here or drop me a line at editor[at]let[dash]off[dot]com. THANKS!
Mole Majority - Hex Tiles

Dunno if you're already using this:
But if you're not already using this (Looks like you're freehanding), you might consider using these proofreading templates to ensure the right shape when you cut them out.
You can put it into another layer of your image-editing program (I use Paint.net because I'm poor and lazy) and shrink it down to fit the square image. I'd just extend the grass texture to fill the whole image, then put the overlay on top so that you can have a consistent line to cut along, and so that there isn't a break in the texture if cut wrong :)
I like the simple, cartoony aesthetic for the game. But remember, don't stress too much about art until the very final stages.
Keep at it!
Thanks for the hints and
Thanks for the hints and kudos, ruy343. :)
The TGC templates have been used, though you might not recognize them. The large hex mats are the ones I went with. In these examples, I simply allowed the grass texture to bleed over the edge of each tile template so there would be no blank spaces.
If you look at photos of any of the previous play sessions I've recorded here, you'll see that there's no issues with blank areas/borders on the hex tiles. While working in Photoshop, I make the grass layer semi-transparent so I can place the scenery and - most importantly - the mole burrows in places where they're visible and not off the tile edges. I restore the grass texture to 100% opacity once all placement is complete, and everything looks as it should be.
Ah, very good.
Sounds like you know what you're doing better than me :) Carry on, old chap.