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Mole Majority - Ruleset - August 2015

30 August 2015

I've compiled a graphics-minimum ruleset for Mole Majority. The PDF can be downloaded here:

If you think additional graphics need to be included to further clarify the rules, please let me know which sections or rule clarifications need the most help.

Anyone with feedback, please let me know! Comment here at BGDF or contact me in the methods outlined in the conclusion of the ruleset.

Thanks for reading, and "thank you for play"!


Update - August 2015

Another significant update to the rules. Had an outside editor for the rules (thanks, keshiekay!) and hopefully my clarifications make sense to blind playtesters.

- Clarified stackable cards with new artwork and explanations in the rules (a new "essential info" section).
- Added in clarification of what Mole Spaces look like on the Hexes.
- Added graphics and explanation of the "GOPHER IT!" cards. This is essentially a revised version of the "MOLE PANIC!" card from earlier versions.

Please post any constructive feedback you have, and if you have any questions I will sort them as soon as possible.



I read through the first page (intro, setup, etc.) and then found myself looking for the goal of the game. It didn't take long to scroll to the end of the document and read how the scoring works, but I would definitely put something closer to the top that gives a little direction to the whole thing.

Maybe something like

The success of each mole tribe is measured by [points], which are gained by claiming hexes, caving in hexes, and capturing other mole's home bases


Will Do

You're absolutely right..! My next revision of the rules will have the goal clearly stated just after the intro text.

Thanks for pointing out what was completely invisible to me. :)

Updated 1 Aug 2014

The ruleset now has a much more clear explanation in the beginning to let the player know how to win the game.

I have a couple blind playtests lined up for the next week or so, and we'll see how the writing is received when there are components alongside them.

Thanks again for the feedback, The Chaz!


22 July 2014: Added Figure 1 (hexes) and Figure 2 (cards) at the end of the instructions.

All art is placeholders for playtesting/demo purposes.

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