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Design Contests

This forum has been created for the sole purpose of listing game design contests in a central location.

A dexterity challenge entry, any opinions please?

I have decided to try a dexterity challenge game which is started on a google docs file here:

I could use a little feedback if any one has time, thank you.


Game Submissions are now open for Speed Dating at BGG.CON

Game Submissions are now open for Speed Dating at BGG.CON

Because we'll have over whelming demand, a Sell Sheet for your game is REQUIRED.


NESTORGAMES RINGS game design contest


You might wish to join my contest :)



2014 Design Contests (Card & Dice) at BGG

***2014 Card Game Design Contest***


Official Start Date: 03 June 2014

Submission Deadline: 31 August 2014, 2400 EST

Voting Deadline: 30 September 2014, 2400 EST

Contest Categories

Single Card Game - (1) 2.5" x 3.5" Card

Standard Deck Game - (2 to 54) 2.5" x 3.5" Cards

Large Deck Game - (55+) 2.5" x 3.5" Cards


All contest entries should include a game logo. There are no restrictions on theme.

Anyone submitting to BFIG?

Hi Designers,

Just curious who's planning to submit one or more games to BFIG this year. I know last year several BGDF members were in the festival.



Table Top Death Match

Does anyone have advice or experience relating to the "Cards Against Humanity"-sponsored "Tabletop Deathmatch?" (

I've been encouraged to enter a game there, but am a bit unsure of the costs/benefits of doing so. And, does anyone know if entering would preclude me from showing the same game to publishers?

Thanks in advance for any advice...

Game Design Competition - AnCon InDeCom (May 1st-4th) in Hudson, Ohio

Are you looking to for playtesting and/or exposure for your indie game? Consider participating in AnCon's annual indie game design competition: InDeCom. AnCon is a gaming convention held in Hudson, Ohio (May 1st-4th)

The AnCon InDeCom is an Independent Game Design Competition with prizes for designers and players alike. It’s a great chance for designers to get feedback and exposure from the gaming public.

Hexacago Contest

This contest is ending soon but I told the organizers that I would post some info about it:

Hexacago is a board game framework that needs games designed to run within it. The goal of the project is to foster social/economic/environmental understanding and change around the Chicago area.

Deadline: December 14th
Prize: 2 winners will be selected each awarded $1000

I asked the organizers some questions:

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by Dr. Radut