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Design Contests

This forum has been created for the sole purpose of listing game design contests in a central location.

Haba announced a game design contest on BGG

In case anyone missed it...Haba is holding a design contest. See details here:

3rd Iludo Board game Design Competition 2017

3rd ILUDO competition logo

The 3rd Iludo Board game Design Competition has started. It will be developed in Mataró, Barcelona, Spain, in the ILUDO days.

The first phase will finish on July 27th 2017, or when the places are completed.

Rules in english

Rules in spanish

Rules in catalan

Iludo Competition website

SURVIVAL: ThunderGryph first Game Design Contest


Found a contest - and tried to search it in here, but not found!

I'm not going to copy/paste the all details here, check the link.

Coalition Game Studios - Great Hook Contest 2016!

Send in a blurb and an optional media attachment to enter the Coalition Game Studios Great Hook Contest!

Prizes include hundreds of dollars worth of blind playtesting and confidential development services for your game.

More details are on the blog, and I'm glad to answer any questions here. Thanks!

"The Power Broker" - A Game Design Challenge


One of the members of this forum got in touch and suggested that this game design contest might be of interest:

We're asking tabletop and video game designers to try to adapt Robert Caro's monumental biography "The Power Broker" into game form. Registration closes on Friday (4/29), with cash prizes and a trophy available.

Let me know if you have any questions!


KBG Design Contest 2016


Welcome back to the annual Korea Boardgames Design Contest!
This year is a special one for us, because this is the fifth time that we are starting this contest. We can look back on a very successful history of contests.
Not only did we receive over 500 high quality submissions over the years, but there were also several which were published by KBG.

The winner of the contest in 2012, Love Means Nothing by Ariel Seoane, got published as Grand Slam in 2014.
Also the runner-up of that year, Grazing Lands from Christwart Conrad, got published as Boom: Runaway in 2014.

(might I suggest?) economy challange, no cash prize

I'd like to propose an economy challange.

The basic idea behind it is that a kid (or an adult) in, let's just say Somalia or Nepal after the earthquake would be able to get enjoyment out of the game.

-The game must be simple to play and very simple to produce, it must cost nothing or next to nothing.
-Commonly availible materials (eg: regular 6-sided dice, standard playing cards, 8x8 chess/checkers boards) can be used but they must be cheap so that people playing don't have to buy a ton of stuff.

Survival Challenge! $100 cash, consideration for publication, and more!

Survival Challenge Contest!

Grey Gnome Games is proud to be sponsoring the latest design contest at The Game Crafter! Your mission is to design a smaller game with a survival theme. Now this could be many things. Perhaps players are trapped in a submarine during WW2, or maybe they are explorers lost in the Amazon!

The Winner will receive $100 cash, shop credit at The Game Crafter, a chance at publication via Grey Gnome Games, and much more! Heck, there are even cash prizes for 2nd and 3rd place.

If you are interested and want to learn more, simply click the link below!

2015-16 Wargame Print and Play Contest

Today a new bgg design contest was announced:

Looks very interesting to me. I have several mechanics and themes that I would like to experiment with and the deadline is still far away (April 1).

See also the discussion thread:

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by Dr. Radut